Call for Solidarity with Sinem Mut and Anıl Kaya, Academics at Risk

Türkçe English Sinem Mut und Anıl Kaya sind nur zwei von hunderten WissenschaftlerInnen, die in der Türkei von den sich immer weiter faschisierenden, antidemokratischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre getroffen wurden und ihr Land verlassen mussten. Sinem Mut war wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Fakultät für Gesundheitsmanagement der Hacettepe Universität, wo Sie Ihre Promotionsforschung betrieb. Anıl Kaya forschte an der Selçuk Universität zur Kunstgeschichte. Im Jahr 2012 wurden beide aufgrund Ihrer Teilnahme…

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Our Statement of Solidarity with Journalist Erk Acarer

We stand in solidarity with our comrade, Erk Acarer, an experienced journalist known for his integrity and long struggle for truth. We condemn all organized groups for exerting violence to silence the word of peace and truth. Freedom of expression in search of truth is essential and cannot be prevented under any condition. We call upon all investigative law and judicial mechanisms to operate and reinstate democracy and justice.Academics for…

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Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate!

Academics for Peace – Germany endorses “Democratizing Work” initiative, published as open-ed in 43 newspapers across 36 countries around the world in May 2020. The initiative is entitled, “Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate!” and is a comprehensive call to firms to stop treating human beings as resources and maintain decent work & life conditions so that we can focus together on sustaining life on this planet. For the background text as well…

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Joint letter to EU leaders to ensure improved fundamental rights in Turkey

Academics for Peace - Germany joined the International Press Institute (IPI) and 14 other human rights and freedom of expression organizations in calling on the European Council to strengthen its demands on Turkey to end the backsliding on human rights and freedom of expression.

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Scholars of Genocide, Mass Violence, and Human Rights Statement on Ongoing Developments in Palestine and Israel

Academics for Peace - Germany joins human rights scholars and peace defenders in calling on governments, the United Nations, the European Union, and the International Criminal Court to work to protect Palestinians in Israel, under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, and in Gaza now and in the future. Here is the Statement of scholars of genocide, mass violence, and human rights on ongoing developments in…

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Re-thinking the Post-migrant Theatre: Possibilities for New Alternative Theater Movements

We are very excited to invite you to the symposium/workshop on re-thinking the post-migrant theatre that is organized by duende art collective in partnership and collaboration with many organizations, among which is Academics for Peace - Germany. Due to Covid situation, online platform of Off-university will be used for the remote sessions. You need to register to the Off University online platform for participating in the online sessions. The meeting…

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Whither Universitas: Who Decides on/for Academic Freedom and Autonomy?

We invite you to a solidarity debate among students across borders. Come join our fishbowl session. Registration link: here. April 2, 202115:00 (UK) / 16:00 (CET) / 17:00 (TR) Structure Discussants make short interventions (around 3 min.) around concepts drawn from the fishbowl by the moderator. Participants are free to step in to discussions and contribute via polls, comments, and solidarity statements. Synopsis Recent presidential appointment of the trustee rector…

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HDP’li Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu’nun milletvekilliğinin düşürülmesine ve HDP’yi kapatma girişimine dair

TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle bir halkın mücadelesini bastıramazsınız, TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle barış mücadelesini durduramazsınız, TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle insan hakları mücadelesi veren insanları susturamazsınız, TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle hukuk dışı, ahlak dışı, demokrasi dışı uygulamalarınızı meşrulaştıramazsınız, TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle insanların siyaset yapma hakkını engelleyemezsiniz, TE-RÖ-RÖ hamasetiyle kimseyi korkutamazsınız! Türkiye’de AKP-MHP ittifakı kendi faşizan uygulamalarının üstünü tüm dünya gericiliğin ortak imalatı TE-RÖ-RÖ şalıyla örtmek istiyor. Her türlü muhalefeti susturmanın ve sindirmenin aracı olarak bu şalı kullanıyor. Gazeteciler, yazarlar, akademisyenler,…

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Yeryüzü aşkın yüzü oluncaya dek!*

Giderek ağırlaşan bir karanlığın kamburu sırtımızda ağırlaşsa da ve karanlığı aydınlatmaya çalışanlar susturulmaya çalışılsa da UNUTMADIK „bin kez budadılar körpe dallarımızıbin kez kırdılar.yine çiçekteyiz işte yine meyvedeyizbin kez korkuya boğdular zamanıbin kez ölümledileryine doğumdayız işte, yine sevinçteyiz.bitmedi daha sürüyor”* ve biz de unutmayacağız İncir çekirdeğini bile doldurmayan bir demokrasi kırpılıp kırpılıp, faşizme yem edilse de UNUTMAYIN „bugünlerden geriye,bir yarına gidenler kalırbir de yarınlar için direnenler”* Bir halkın kapatılamayacağını Halkların en…

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BdWi: Solidarität mit Bogazici!

14.01.2021: BdWi unterstützt Proteste von Studierenden und Mitarbeiter*innen der Bogazici Universität Istanbul.Am 1. Januar 2021 hat der türkische Staatspräsident ohne jegliche Konsultation einen neuen Rektor für die Bogaziçi-Universität in Istanbul, eine der renommiertesten Universitäten der Türkei, ernannt, wobei er sich auf jüngste Dekrete mit Gesetzeskraft stützte, die einen solchen Schritt möglich machten.In den letzten vier Jahren sind bereits mindestens ein Dutzend Universitäten mit den gleichen strukturellen Vorgaben der autoritären Herrschaft…

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Scholars At Risk on Turkey: Institutional Autonomy Under Threat

Scholars at Risk has joined international partners in endorsing the below petition regarding recent events at Turkey’s Boğaziçi University. On January 1, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed new rectors to five universities in Turkey. These included appointing Melih Bulu, a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), as the new rector of Boğaziçi University. In the past, under Turkey’s law, rectors had been appointed only after being elected by tenured…

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Kabul etmedik, etmiyoruz! İmzamızın arkasındayız.

Bu suça ortak olmayacağız metnini imzalamamızın üzerinden beş yıl geçti! Bu süre içinde yoğunlaşarak artan insan haklari ihlalleri, baskılar, savaş ortamı ve ‘müstemleke’ uygulamaları hatırlatan kayyum atamaları metnimizin halen güncel, barışın ise acil bir gereksinim olduğunu doğruluyor.Türkiye’deki otoriter yönetimin üniversitelere yönelik saldırısı da aralıksız devam ediyor! 2016’da çıkarılmış olan bir Olağanüstü Hal KHK’sı ile Cumhurbaşkanı’na üniversite rektörlerini tek başına atama yetkisi verilmesi bu saldırılara yeni bir boyut kazandırmıştı. Daha önce…

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We do not accept, we are determined not to conform!

Dieser Text ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Bu metin Türkçe de mevcuttur. The incessant attacks of authoritarian rule against Turkey's universities pursue at an accelerating rate. As Academics for Peace Germany, we do not accept President's appointment of a rector to Boğaziçi University on January 1, 2021 and the subsequent detentions, which undermine the academic autonomy, scientific freedom and democratic values. We do not consider this appointment, which coincides…

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Kabul etmedik, etmiyoruz!

This text is also available in English. Dieser Text ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Türkiye’deki otoriter yönetimin üniversitelere yönelik saldırısı aralıksız devam ediyor! Barış İçin Akademisyenler Almanya (BAK-Almanya) Derneği olarak Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nin akademik özerkliğini, bilimsel özgürlüğünü ve demokratik değerlerini yok sayan 1 Ocak 2021 tarihli rektör atamasını ve devamındaki gözaltıları kabul etmiyoruz. Bu suça ortak olmayacağız! metnini imzalamamızın beşinci yıldönümüne denk gelen bu atamayı bir tesadüf olarak görmüyoruz. 2016…

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Dieser Vorgang ist inakzeptabel und wir werden uns mit Entschiedenheit widersetzen!

Bu metin Türkçe de mevcuttur. This text is also available in English. Die seit Jahren andauernden Angriffe der autoritären Regierung auf die Universitäten in der Türkei haben mit der letzten Maßnahme einen neuen Höhepunkt erreicht. Als „Akademiker für den Frieden-Deutschland“ erheben wir Einspruch gegen die Ernennung des Rektors der Boğaziçi-Universität zum 1. Januar 2021 durch den Präsidenten. Wir protestieren zudem gegen die Verhaftungen von protestierenden Universitätsangehörigen. Diese Maßnahmen untergraben die…

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Release our friends!

We demand that all our friends who were detained in operations against HDP on the morning of September 25, 2020, including our peace signatory comrade, peace academic Prof. Dr. Beyza Üstün, be released immediately. Academics for Peace Background Information: As part of an investigation conducted by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office into the Kobani incidents on October 6-8, 2014, detention warrants were issued against 82 members of the HDP,…

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